Wednesday 3 September 2014

Synopsis and cover art for; A few moments with me and Madison Carter.

I find Madison Carter sitting in a corner of the room, her eyes fixed in uncontrollable despair. She has subconsciously removed all the furniture and possessions around her and retreated to a blank page, yearning for safety and comfort.
This isn't her lounge any longer. It isn't the room full of memories, laughter and warmth she sat in only minutes ago. That room had been constructed with bricks and plaster, covered in maroon and crème paint, crammed with life. We are now a sterile, thin and fragile space created from folds made in white paper. It does not possess the necessary power to stop the ceaseless sludge on the other side. Tears and oil inevitably seep through, pain and dirt will smear across the surface and the grief and rust must corrode all in its path.
Madison is a sketch in an artist's pad. A series of lines, somehow holding themselves together in the form of a human body. She is unravelling, losing her shape and focus, willing to dissolve. The features have almost completely disappeared from her face, as has her ever-changing fractal light.
I see black, grey and white.

Lines of disbelief and shock swirl around her skin, creating a weak shell that cannot survive the torrent.